Services Provided to Plan Sponsor & Fiduciaries

  • Comprehensive Financial Planning

  • Preparing for Retirement
  • Investment/Portfolio Management
  • College Savings Plans

  • Annuities
  • Life Insurance and Disability
  • Long-term Care Insurance
  • 401(k)
  • 403(b)
  • Provide fiduciary training course approved by Fi360 as well as certificate of completion for plan fiduciaries and stewards
  • Create plan specific investment policy statement (IPS) as well as fiduciary checklist and DOL audit file to ensure ERISA and DOL guidelines are being followed
  • Plan design consulting and 401k best practices for Trustees/HR professionals
  • Benchmark plan expenses and fees versus industry peers
  • QDIA and 404(C) review and analysis

Services Provided to Company Employees

  • Employee Financial Wellness Program (See attached list of topics)
  • One-on-one or family meetings with employees (on-site or off-site)
  • Provide full financial plan upon request
  • Assist with 401k investment allocations
  • Explain various investment options and risks involved
  • Help understand 401k options (Roth vs Traditional, vesting schedule, matching, etc)
  • 401k Rollover assistance/consultation
  • Provide loan/hardship withdrawal education and assistance